A Long Way From Home

\>You are Anonymous \>You are a bland featured human, a pretentious college-student that's the scourge of every parent's bank account \>You'd like to think you're here today on some kind of soul-searching journey, Chris McCandles style (minus the...

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Making New Friends

There were five of us, six if you include myself, and we were all humans, save for Demikas. Demikas was a black fox, native to the region, and was not much of a talker, which, among Stalkers, was a common trait. The rest of us had come from all over...

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The Leaves of Fall: Prologue

Prologue \>The easiest part of how you'd explain all of this is to start from the beginning \>Without the proper context or background, you couldn't really explain why you're on the roof of your school building, why the whole parking lot looks like...

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