officer wolf an strawberrypaw

Pissed, the young heeler tries to grab his huge hand and pry his fingers back so she can escape, but to no avail she cannot free her self. the heeler soon starts raising hell again seeing as she cannot get free. " help! help!"


A Pair of Pups

The heeler pup smiled as he crawled up onto his principal's lap, slowly pressing his tight pucker to the bear's warm cockhead.

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Valium & Vodka: Chapter One

Hector stood up from his seat and guided the heeler to a nearby chair, taking the coffee from him and setting it down on the table.

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A Long Way From Home

\>jesse still looks confused as the words leave your mouth \>aren't heelers supposed to be an intelligent breed?

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Valium & Vodka: Chapter Two

By that point, it would seem weird, and the heeler's sexual preferences were still a closely guarded secret among the guys at doghouse.

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Socially Awkward. Chapter Three.

The blue heeler just huffed, throwing up his hands and crossing his arms after, looking away out the window. clem could smell the other dog's annoyance. clem couldn't figure out why the blue heeler was so caught off guard by all this.

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Knothole High: Playing for Fun

"oh... you must be allan," the heeler said, flashing him a grin. "tom's been talking non-stop about you." no... no... "theo!" allan cried, shoving past the blue heeler who was no doubt theo's former father.

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Sixteen

Vance whispered as the heeler hilted himself inside him, the heeler gasping with pleasure the moment he felt the bottoming party clench around his throbbing length.

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In the Dog House. Chapter One.

Danny looked at it, then up at the blue heeler. then back down. "uh, sir i don't know..." "you always have the right to say no."

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