Thursday's prompt 05/07/15, Beauty

Thursday's Prompt 05/08/15 Beauty They say Beauty is in the eye of the Beer Holder, and I couldn't agree more. So no shit there I was, a Private Dick at a bar trying to get hammered after a long day of looking for lost keys, cheating mates,...

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Thursday Prompt 8/28/2018 Carrier

Thursday's Prompt Carrier 8/28/2018 The guards stood watch over the shape on the floor. Bound and gagged it wasn't going far. "do you think it's contagious?" doug asked. Bob shrugged "they wouldn't gag it if it wasn't..." he replied, rifle at port...

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wip: end of an error

Working title, End of an error the tour guild touched my elbow and whispered to me thru her fake smile "I know I'm new here, but I didn't know Hero Du Jour had a Doctor Doomdays mascot..." I looked over my shoulder to her freckled face "I'm not......

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Owner Operator: a caregivers story

Owner Operator A Care Givers Tale By Straycat (edited by Holly Logan) Preamble: Casey Maxwell is the Owner Operator of an over the event-horizon Space Train in the 22nd century. Hired on to the CareGivers, and family to them as well. Casey's wife...

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