Yindi and the Icebreaker

The tiniest smirk on his muzzle. Smarmy bastard thinks he's hot shit. Of all the absurd--"HRNK!" I snort. Yeah, yeah, you got me, but two can play this game. "Don't worry though, you're in good paws. We'll pray all that heretical nonsense out of you...

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Yindi and the New Kid

"I gotta run and make sure Mykah's staying out of trouble." Scotte leaves as soon as we arrive at the dormitory and I enter alone through the back entrance. If all the drabness of the world were condensed into one spot, it would be confined within...

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Yindi and the End

_Armageddon has come and now we sleep._ _I remember. The end came to us in the early dawn. The stars bid farewell to the world as we knew it and the sun awoke to a flock of metal birds with missiles in their beaks._ _The entire city gnashed its...

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Efrim and the Prologue

He sprints across the bouncing telephone lines. If he falls, it's game over; I have seen this again and again. It begins as a confident dash, his pace never falters as I watch his precarious tightrope act. I watch with hope, with trepidation, that he...

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