Brotherhood of steel

The Brotherhood of Steel: I know, everyone who has played Fallout is getting tired of me explaining but for those who haven't played are thanking me for explaining who's who. The B.O.S. is the remnants of the US army they believe that technology is the...

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The wastes

Please note, I am not using the deathclaws from Bethesda's FALLOUT3 I'm using the deathclaws from Interplay's FALLOUT TACTICS for in that one they were smart and some were friendly (the ones who talk are friendly, the ones who don't are mean, remember...

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Siblings part two

Tanos woke with a throbbing headache, as he shook himself awake the events of the previous night flooded into his head "oh damn" he turned to see his sister Keirra cuddling up with him. "Oh hell what the fuck did we do" he looked at the rather sticky...

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"Wake up you lazy charcoal" Keirra yelled jokingly about her brother Tanos's odd color "you know for being seventeen you act like you are two" he retorted back throwing his pillow at her. Dodging with ease "you know you can't get me like that...

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"That's why you need to study instead of zoning out all the time" Tanya's mother said as she held up her veterinarian test with a big red C on it "mom that's impressive considering I don't want to be a Pokémon nurse I want to be a coordinator"...

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-Waking up, Maria noticed her surroundings were different than she was used to. Standing and stretching she heard something move beside her. Looking beside her, she saw a Lucario. If she remembered correctly, his name was Cane. Yawning, she thought...

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