The Confession

I'm not claiming to be immune to the effects of war. Seeing me swimming in a pond, naked as the day I was born might give you the wrong idea. They did affect me, god knows they did, and still do. But as a leader, it is in the best interest of the group...

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The Awakening

Feeling was the first sense to return to me. Dull throbs of pain all over my body drew that conclusion. I was lying in something soft and slightly scratchy meaning grass or some equivalent. A gentle breeze caressed my face as I breathed in what was...

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The Begining

I don't know how long I kneeled there, amongst the rivers of blood and mountains of corpses. It seemed like an eternity, but in reality it was only the last few hours before sunrise. The only life I've seen, is the animals that wisely stayed away from...

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The End

Remember those first few years of your life, where everytime you turn around, there is something new that you don't understand? Or, how there are some things that you instinctively know about and can tell if they are good or bad? How about, when your...

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