A Divine Siren 2: Playtime

"One more minute," he requested. Nathan wanted to lie in bed with her forever. The feeling of Kiyora's silky fur on his back was beyond bliss. Her finger traced a line down his bare chest and belly. "Alright," she said. "Your wish is my command."...

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A Divine Siren

Nathan Carter had made it out about two hundred kilometers from the coast. He'd been riding smooth with a full mainsail hoisted and taut with ripe conditions. His beautiful sailing girl, an open 60 he'd owned for about three years, had been coasting at...

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A Lion's Last Raid

Just one more raid. Jabari hoped he was truly serving his nation, and by extension, making his father proud, because he was starting to grow weary of it all. He would always fight for his nation, but he couldn't bring himself to agree with the...

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Universal Attraction

**Universal Attraction** It was a shame knowing you'd never see home again. In this case, home wasn't that two-story building with a white picket fence and a fancy red door. No. Home was that big, blue and green ball floating in space. It was...

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