Ranger does Fluffy (again)

Fluffy turned around nervously as he kept running. He knew he shouldn't have done it, but it was too hard to resist. Ranger's nose was so...there. It was so tweakable and Fluffy couldn't resist pinching it a little. Apparently the little 'pinch'...

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Ranger does Fluffy

Fluffy (Boy kitty) The gardens in Toontown were finally blooming. Ranger was outside on this always warm-and-sunny-Toontowny day, watering his roses for Fancy. He smiled to himself as he thought of picking them for her...gathering them into a big...

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Fancy's first time

Fancy had been outside watering her garden. It was a beautiful day in Toontown (as always) and her trees and laff-o-dil's looked dry. She took her watering can outside, not mindful of the sneaky dog hiding behind her anvil tree. Ranger was...

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Dear Dogie...Another toontown story

(Ranger - Red Doggie) (Fancy - Pink Kitty) Dear Ranger, I had a dream about you and me last night. I wanted to tell you about it. It's kind of dirty, but I think you'll like it. I dreamt we had just finished a Sellbot building. I hate...

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Fancy's Ravishing - A ToonTown story

Fancy: Pink Kitty Ranger: Red Doggie This is gonna be too wierd if you aren't familiar with Toon Town, so please excuse the beginning if it seems a bit boring. Please feel free to ask any questions about it. I want opinions on my writing. ...
