Paws Of Snow Chapter 3

Chapter 3-Foreshadowing Rescue Dark had searched frantically around the small defensive area that various soldiers in the base had setup in response to the threat of a strike team of Russians outside. Forward and closest to the exit doorway of the...

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Paws of Snow Chapter 4

Chapter 4- The Departure to the Capitol Building. Morning came as quickly as Grey had expected it too, he opened his eyes slowly the grogginess of sleep quickly leaving him as his years of training and military combat had taught his body to wake up...

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Paws Of Snow Chapter Two

_Chapter 2- Grey_ "_Grid's C-5 through C-9, are known as the 'uncharted no-man's land' and house what civilized 'humanized' area's have deemed as 'undesirable's'."_ a Jet Black fox said into a boom mike headset next to his mouth, as he pawed over a...

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Paws Of Snow Chapter One

Chapter One- "The Last Day of Boot Camp: The Last Day of Safety." Slow the sun crept across the military base know as Mark 4, to its inhabitants this place was home, a home earned through hard work and grueling labor. To the ones that made it...

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