Backstage Pass
By DatDandyDragon
The curtain fell and the stage grew dim. Applause settled down and the sound of feet working towards the exit filled the hall. Taking his leave of the stage was the entertainment for the evening, a dragon of blue...
Analvore, Buttstuff, Dragon, Magician, Male, Masturbation, Mawplay, Micro, Shark, vore
Dinner and a Show
By DatDandyDragon
A thunderous applause erupted in the dining hall as the curtain rose, revealing a dark, empty stage. The lights cut as a spotlight shown, scattering through the audience before working its way to the center of...
Act, Dragon, Fox, Magic, Magician, dinner, vore
With a thunderous crack, the door gave way and shattered against the wall it hinged on. Three figures made their presence known, quickly rushing into the tavern and brandishing their weapons, eyes scanning the room. Only two denizens graced their...
Analvore, Boar, Bull, Canine, Dragon, Micro, Mm, Sex, Shrinking, Voreducken, mmm, vore
"Excuse me... mister Ei', I'm here for your interview."
Standing backstage, before the magician's gold-starred door, a nervous mouse cradling a laptop to his chest shivered. It was not due to his business casual clothing, nor the temperate...
Dragon, Hypnosis, Journalist, M/, Magician, Mouse, Vore (soft), belch, vore