Live and Let Thri

Outside the small canvas tent, a soft wind blew through the dry grass of the savannah. It carried with it the scents of dry earth, exotic pollens, and the myriad creatures of the night. The calls of birds and bats could be heard, the rustling of tree...

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The Thri Who Loved Me

It had to be close to midnight by now, but the moist jungle air was still nearly as warm as it had been during the day. Good news for the lizardfolk and kobolds partying down below. Not so good for me, thought Jeril as sweat dripped down his brow. He...

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Thri Another Day

Kireza liked this forest far better than the first one she had been in. This one was far less humid, and far easier to navigate. There were no creeping vines laid across every pathway, no ferns hiding mud that jealously held onto whatever sank into it,...

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