My Fox in Black and White

**Disclaimer** Do not read if you are Under 18 (Or 21 if that's your rule in you area) You know, the standard Disclaimer. * * * A walking contradiction, that's what they called him. Aeri was the most confusing vulpine in the whole of the high...

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You know what they say about Foxes with orange fur . . .

Third in my series, The Contradictory Fox * * * Aeri laid back on his bed lazily, his hat on his chest. He bounced a pink ball off his wall and caught it again. Kai had just left, and Thorn wasn't home. Truth be told, Aeri usually wasn't so bored....

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The Lost Wolf, the Found Fox, and the Nervous Dog.

**Disclaimer** Do not read if you are Under 18 (Or 21 if that's your rule in you area) You know, the standard Disclaimer. Same as last time~! * * * "Chips. Check." Aeri nodded, "Soda, check. Movie, Music, and no parents, definite check." He...

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