Kaiya, Chapter the Second

It... She... ...whichever... ...came awake hissing, loud enough to shock the ears, struggling, and snapping at my hand. I shrugged, and backhanded her across that strange, furred, not-quite-muzzled face. Silence. Staring mismatched eyes. "Would...

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Kaiya, Chapter the First

I have saved this box for last. All my other possessions I have given away, sold, burned, everything that I will not need, or that the horses could not carry. This I thought, in particular, to burn, unopened, to burn and spare myself the sting, but to...

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Kaiya, Chapter the Third

The bards and singers, the players and the actors of the pantomime would have us believe that to fall asleep together is a romantic thing, a blissful communion of comfort, of ease, of joy. Any man who is old enough to be a man, and have known a woman's...

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