Pack of Two, Part 3

Could he do it? Could he shoot the cops to keep himself and John out of jail for a little longer? If he shot the cops, should he shoot to kill? If he didn't the cops certainly would shoot back with intent to kill as soon as Marcus opened fire. If he...

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Satellite Radio Pwns

"So you slept with his brothers, and his sister?" Adam asked the girl on the other end of the phone line. "You say it like it was so bad." She responded indignantly. "It wasn't at the same time!" She cried in confident self-defense. Ian,...

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A Pack of Two, Part. 2

The deafening sound of gunfire blasted away in rapid succession for a full second. "Marcus!" John heard himself screaming from the ground beyond the window, all stealth forgotten. The secret of their position didn't seam to matter if Marcus was...

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A pack of two

It was hot enough in the crowded room to stifle a lizard; although the one playing bass seemed to be doing pretty well. The lion on lead vocals however looked to be having some trouble. He was a huge mammal to begin with, but he was also covered in...

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