Where the Sausage is Made

The walkway creaks as Itico digs his claws into the holes of the mesh and pulls one last time to bring the large crate up onto the top of the ship. Randa yells, "Good. That's far enough!" Itico spits out the thick rope, "Synthetic fibers taste...


Bringing Home the Bacon

Itico pulls the last of the canisters from the cache into the ship and shakes water from his thick fur. He says to Randa in his mental voice, "Well, at least we won't need to eat anyone." Randa swipes him playfully across the ears. "Come on," she says...


Hashing Things Out

The two sat quietly atop a boulder not far from where their pods had come to ground. Randa sat with an arm loosely draped across Itico's large neck and leaned into him for comfort and warmth. "You know," she muses, "when we are in the thick of things...

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Birthing Pains

Deep in the innards of a hardened communication array the contents of a register flipped from 0 to 1. A connection had been established. The communication array on the other end of the connection sent back a brief message which read, "Queuing: 475,...

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Breaking a Few Eggs

That moment between sleeping and wakefulness, that space between dreams and the returning of sensation is usually but a barely perceived moment in your awareness. Sometimes though the moment drags on and if it lingers a bit too long it can become...

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Many living creatures believe that they are special and that their lives and circumstances somehow stand out against the multitude of other lives. This fallacy is comforting to those who hold it to be true but is ultimately pointless. After all, what...

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Keep The Home Fries Burning

The moment the projectors extend the field far enough ahead of the ship, a point in space grows from an infinitesimal speck to form a hole in space large enough for the ship to pass though. To the ship and its occupants there was no...


Pigs in a Blanket

As everyone enters, Herald steps from the safety of the guard room. Everyone stops and watches him cautiously. "Look," Herald says, "I know you're all likely pissed at all of us, and I don't blame you. I'm just going to show you where you want to go....

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