Giving the Ghost

Dilyn felt like he had come home. It was an odd feeling, to be sure. Dilyn's mom was a consultant, so moving was nothing new for the young rabbit boy. But it usually just felt like another house, a stop and a place to rest himself. Stepping through...

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Saturday Matinee

_I'm a dirty, dirty little slut!_ The thought crossed her mind over and over. It wasn't an angry thought, regretful, sad or even shameful. She was past shame a few years ago. It was simply the truth. A truth she was gleeful about actually, her...

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He was such a cute kid. Terrified, to be sure, but cute. He was pretty good at hiding it, for a kid I mean. It'd been a hundred miles since I'd picked him up from the truck stop. It was no random hitchhiker either, I'd been in contact with the...

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A Pleasant Overnight Train Ride

It's the most comfortable ride in all of Ivalice. It's not the fastest way across the planet, sure. An Airship is cheaper, and will get you across the globe in hours, where the train takes days. The heavy seat, tubby, pig-like race known as...

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Rage of the Werewolf

Being a Werewolf is all fine and dandy. Except for that one little problem. The Rage. On the edge of Denver, in the suburbs that separate the hustle and bustle of the big city from the grand splendor of nature lives a red skinned man, sitting...

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Safe in the Darkness

_It's freezing out here._ Rain dripped off the boy's hair and off his day old clothes, soaked completely through every garment, making his clothes cling tight to his already chilled body. Bumps had formed on his skin, trying helplessly to...

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