
This story doesn't contain anything that could be considered adult in any way, shape, or form. Why it is here is more a less a matter of places to post (with results.) Oh well, good read if you're just bored and not remotely horny. :) Fathom by...



The following story contains fornication between anthropomorphic beings. If you don't like it, go away. If you are under 18, go away. * * * Gods By Lomundi Leo was working steadily, studying various animals and their numerous advantages and...



Caution: This story contains fornication between anthropomorphic beings. Don't look at it unless you're over 18. If you are offended by it, then please leave now. * * * Butterflies By Lomundi "Mmm..." said Tarc, "look at that kitty..." Ceta...

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Again By Lomundi Chapter 1 - Poor Souls Wandering Clisp was moving his body to some dirty song the buyer had picked out just a few moments ago. He carefully moved his ass over the buyer's leg and, with experience, danced to the music...

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