Carli in Need of Some Pleasure

I wake up this morning to my dog whimpering and scratching at my chest. I set up in bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning. "What is it Carli?" I ask, petting her head gently. I get out of bed and stretch. A soft bark comes from the blonde colored...

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Daddy Daughter Bonding

Once I finish my breakfast, my dad walks in the room wearing his fitted grey suit, his hair slicked back and his cologne whiffed through the air and into my nose. "Well sweetie, I have to go now," He says. I put my bowl in the sink and walk over to...

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Lily and Jake

I suddenly see a dark figure in the distance. I have to squint my eyes to get a better look, but the figure is too far away. I then notice that it's walking towards me. "Hello," I call out to it. But I get no answer and it keeps walking towards me,...

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