Digimon, The Reunion

Characters: Renamon Rika Nonaka Impmon Ryo Akiyama Gatomon Kari Yagami Veemon Davis Motomiya Page 1 (Pictures of grown up Davis and Veemon) Davis Motomiya Davis was the leader of the second generation of the Digi-destined. He has a good...

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Renamon and Impmon, quite the afternoon

Renamon awoke stunned, she was very weak and disoriented but she could feel the cold metal around her waists.The last thing she remembers is what she was in house of Rika taking a tea when she entered much dream to her suddenly and everything became...


Tails and Rouge: lust, desire, GUN, and consequences

Tails started scanning the hotel lobby for anything hidden. Rouge runs a hotel during the day and a porn club at night. But the club is secret so G.U.N. won't find out. Rouge knew this so she ignore Tails and headed for Tikal, she works at the...


My gym partner's a monkey: Ingrid's Time

| It was the last day of school and Adam and the gang just graduated from CDMS. "Well guys we finally did!" said Adam along with his friends agreeing with him. "Yeah finally, after so many years, we can finally throw old CDMS in the old memory book!"...

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Desire for Krystal (Warning this for 18+ and older)

It's been a while after Krystal left Starfox, she looked out through the window of the upper Sargasso station, looking out over the Sargasso region where herself and the StarFox team once assaulted the space station itself. After she left Starfox, she...

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