Working Wolfess

\*\*Warning\*\* This story contains some adult content that may not be suitable for some readers. (mainly the ones who don't like that kind of stuff) It involves rape, and light wattersports, as well as foul language. \*\*This story is purely...

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Working Wolfess : New Job

It took me a long time to get over my Ordeal, and get back my will to work. I have to admit, I spent most of it in a hot shower, or a warm bath. Soon, I began to believe I was clean enough and realized my savings were dwindling to null. I applied at...

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Working Wolfess: New Life

**\*\*This story is fictional. Any similarities to real happenings is purely Bogus. Us Kinksters could ONLY hope to have something like this happen. This story is chapter three in what started as a single short fap story. It's been long coming. I hope...

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