Give Us a Twirl

"GIVE US A TWIRL" -by- Rogue Kzin \*\*\* I'm fortunate enough to have traveled a fair bit in my youth, and because of that I developed a pretty healthy travel bug that's never gone away. Through my travels I've been to four continents and...

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Just Friends

People always laugh when I tell them you and I are just friends. What we get up to isn't exactly secret. My friends know we mess around quite a bit, and you've told your roommate pretty much everything we've done. That's probably why she didn't freak...

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The Hotel Romp - story excerpt

Hayley and I were both eager for her to take my ass during her visit, but she was really nervous about ordering any sorts of toys online for delivery to Japan, and then bringing them with her on an international flight. There were local shops that sold...

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Shattered World - Heartbreak

Ever have an idea get stuck in your head? One that simply won't go away until you do something about it? Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Me, I get rid of them by writing about them. Most of the time it's a story idea that needs to get put down on...

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First Time (follow-up to The Balcony)

"I don't know," I say, kneeling before you. "It looks bigger than I'd expected." "Well, you're the one who picked it out," you remind me, "so you'd better get used to it real quick. Why not start out by taking the head in your mouth?" I look up past...

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The Balcony

"You're joking, right?" "Nope," I tell you. "I want you to go out onto the balcony." "But I'm naked!" you protest, crossing your arms over your breasts. "So what? I am too." "And it's RAINING!" you point out. "I know. That's why nobody else will...

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The Best of Both Worlds - One Unbelievable Week

You may have noticed a difference in the title of this piece and the first one I posted in the "Two Worlds" folder. This is a "Best" piece not a "Worst," so don't expect too much introspection with this one. But it does require a bit of introduction....

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The Worst of Both Worlds: Confessions of a Bi-Male Slut

You know that old joke? A guy goes into a bar, orders ten shots of tequila and downs them all. Bartender asks what the occasion is. Guy says he just got his first blowjob and the bartender congratulates him and offers another shot on the house. Guy...

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Running With the Pack (part 1)

The young couple taking shelter from the rain in the bus stop wouldn't have stood out to anybody. Sure, they both appeared nice-looking, but one couldn't see much given their thick coats and hunched over posture. Listening in on their conversation...

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Broken Moon (2014 update)

This is a work of fiction (maybe). All the characters and events portrayed are not real (sort of). If you are under the age of 18 your mom probably doesn't want you to read stuff like this so please don't. This story is copyright by the author and ALL...

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Come As You Are (2014 update)

This is a work of fiction (maybe). All the characters and events portrayed are not real (sort of). If you are under the age of 18 your mom probably doesn't want you to read stuff like this so please don't. This story is copyright by the author and ALL...

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