The Breaking of the world

The claims were too far-fetched to be true. It sounded like some obscure fairytale. (We the readers don't know what was unreal. A device? A solution to a problem?) The world kneeled. The ground became the enemy. We could not resist. It was a...

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All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves (An alien world)

All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves and the sands of the alien deserts. In the "Tomb of the Great Cats" there was only a strange surreal solitude. The craggy cliffs above the distant catacombs below and the narrow, dusty,...

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The Conquerer and the Defier

The Conqueror and the Defier {-2013- Patient #3} # Prognosis: Mr. William Farris Neilson has been suffering the delusions of perceived immortality and claims to have discovered a solution to aging via a biological (DNA or surgical)...

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Water (Poem)

Water A swift breeze stirs the branches of the trees. Light hair flows in the wind and I look to the north, the cold icy north where the water shines in the dark. I walk towards a frozen waterfall, and then past its frozen flow. Behind it was an...

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Story introduction exercise. (Multiple story introductions written to multiple songs in a playlist)

An open door. A path untouched. A way unopened. I aim to traverse them all, the places that are untouched, and my goal is to see the world. I have no possessions or belongings other than my sense of wellbeing and the clothes on my back. I believe...


The ghosts of my past fathers call and ask that I impart that which is sacred; the knowledge of the past lives of this house. The butler and his many masters. The maid and her many beds she has made. The cooks and their meals, and the children...

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I am tied down by the hands of the clock. I restrained by an idea that I cannot touch or see. When I cannot see time, I grasp for a clock. In the absence of a clock, I'm left grasping for straws. In the absence of seconds, minutes, hours, and...

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Bones behind glass

Bones behind glass. Just out of reach. Sentiments behind words. Subtle but visible. Thinly veiled, the threats lie beneath glass. Bones, I think of death. Sentiments, I think of love. Both play a part in each other. Your anatomy, it lies where...

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