Tigress Dream
It was a hot summer night in the Jade Palace. Tigress tossed and turned in a fitful sleep. She had pulled off her shirt and it lay discarded on the floor. She tossed and turned more as she struggled with her pants. In her fitful sleep she somehow...
Honor In Blood Chapter 6
-6- Li-Tang awoke the next morning to the feeling of her windpipe being violently squeezed. Her eyes flew open as she reached up and grabbed the offending object which turned out to be Viper. Li-Tang found the back of Viper's head and squeezed with...
Honor In Blood Chapter 5
-5- Walking in the moonlight Tigress growled as she made the now familiar trek to Kataki's cave. She was going to get a moment to talk to him without him trying to force himself on her or without interruptions. She was hauling a basket of what she...
Honor In Blood Chapter 4
-4- Shifu had dismissed Tigress as soon as she had greeted him this morning. "There will be no training today," He had told her. She looked at him questioningly but didn't push the issue. Since she had been the only one to show up for the morning...
Honor In Blood Chapter 3
-3- Mantis was sitting on the bar in front of Monkey and Crane. Crane was looking miserable under his large hat. He had it pulled down so no one could see his face or the shame etched across it. He really had meant to tend to Viper, but then Mei...
Honor In Blood Chapter 2
-2- Crane perched atop a tree overlooking the Valley of Peace. He smiled thinking back to the day that he first met Viper. She did her best to make him feel at home and he would be forever grateful to her for all the kindness she had showed him. He...
Honor In Blood Chapter 1
-1- "You are my enemy dragon warrior," The large beast of a man practically spat out the words 'dragon warrior' as if they were bad food. He was in a traveling cloak with the hood drawn over his head in such a way that you could not get a good look...