Not Quite According to Plan

_Hey there folks! Alright so this story is a little different in that it's not all my writing. It's actually an RP that I did with my friend Ari (the same Ari from the last story for those of you who read it) that I adapted into a more story-like...

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Breaking the Prey

_Right! Hey guys!_ _So then, this is my second story__, a little different than the first. My friend Ari and I were talking one night about the nature of vore and why we like it so much._ _The conclusion that we came to is that it isn't the ACT of vore...

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A Walk in the Woods

Steele grumbled to himself as he kicked at a nearby fern. "Fired. Fired! Screw them, I don't care." He muttered, chest rumbling in a low growl as he walked along. He'd thought that maybe getting out here in the woods would clear his head a little, make...

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