
The legends tell of Ancient Terra being a place of beauty. A place of Science. A place of one species. Not like today. Not when the world is so wracked, left so broken by the trail of Forever Wars that rage on even today in some parts. Not a place...

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The Forever War, Chapter Three

Ace ran out the room followed by Lill and into the dust-chocked corridor. He bounced and dived over bodies crushed and destroyed beneath the debris. He checked frantically at every room to find Ellie, but she was nowhere. "Where is it coming from?"...

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The Forever War, Chapter Two

Ace sat silently as the air-lander's engines roared into life, lifting the troop-laden craft vertically from the floor. Despite the amazing roar of the huge engines lifting the craft upwards, and Ace's proximity to the still opened landing ramp,...

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The Forever War, Chapter One part iii

After seventy-four minutes, by Ace's watch - which was mounted in his compass-box - the bombardment suddenly fell silent. The rounds never moved up the line fully, they strafed too and fro across a short area, as far as he could tell from inside the...

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The Forever War, Chapter One part ii

hat night was a clear night. A cloudless night. A sleepless night. That night was a long night. He walked up and down for several hours, running over the last few months of his life in his head. He had been loving, caring.. He had had emotion at...

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The Forever War, Chapter One Part i

Ace stood watching over the field before him. It was stripped bare by ongoing artillery - burnt and scarred of life. Just three days earlier two hundred Furs had charged and died trying to cross that bloodied place. His ears twitched as he held his...

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