Businesses of Gentlemanly Entertainment

Hallo everything, as promised here is something for you all to read. I can't say I'm especially satisfied with this piece, any criticism or advice is welcome. It's a pretty basic yiff story, but if it's recieved well and has good enough interest I...

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All Work and No Play - Part Two

Yeah. A lot of words, I know. Still, it's finished. The second and final chapter of all work and no play. I don't often write out sex scenes in a narrative, so I apologise now if it lacks in quality. I also apologise if the story takes too long to get...

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All Work and No Play

I apologise first for how long my other story, Love Thy Enemies, is taking, but unfortunately things have been difficult on my end and I'm struggling to set it off. Perhaps I'm trying to be too realistic in the romance, which certainly makes it harder...

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Lake Krystalvasser - Part One

Well, it took me long enough, but here at last is another story for all of you. Hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it. =========================================================================== The phone on...

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