The Ship

It was a strange day when the Ship appeared in out port, it must have made berth sometime during the night for the morning watch found it moored and silent. The sun was shining yet a cold wind howled through the city streets, no children could be heard...

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As I sit with my back against the damp walls of this god forsaken temple I write this account of my final hours. Once the weak light of the lantern dies the Keepers shall claim me for their own vile purposes. I can already sense them, nightmarish...

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Anya lay stretched out on the cool grass of the hill, enjoying the soft sounds of the forest and the clear fall air. Every now and then the soft thump of an arrow hitting its mark drifted up from the clearing at the base of the hill. Mikko had slipped...

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The Wolf-King

The dust shrouded king stirred upon his tarnished throne, his faded emerald eyes glinting softly in the gloom of the ancient keep. Once the proud warrior-king of the ancient wolfkin, he now sat looking over the silent halls of his crumbling keep....

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It was snowing, it's always snowing now. Now that endless winter has gripped the world. The only light now comes from the feeble flickering of fires, struggling to keep the darkness and cold away. I was one of the luck few, my thick fur held the cruel...

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Black Dwarf

They asked me why I killed him, why I put three bullets through his head. When I told them they branded me mad and locked me in this cell. Now here I rot, waiting for the rest of the world to join me. It started with the appearance of the Anomaly, a...

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My time is coming to an end. My pupil is almost ready to take my place in these darkened halls. And so I write in these pages my story, if only so that I may put it from my mind. I was once one of the Wolfkin, an ancient race that has wandered the...

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Berserker Part 5: Final Battle

The dragon-kin weren't as eager to fight as we thought. Days passed and their army slowly advanced across the barren plains. Tension was high throughout the camp, my kin milled about desperately searching for things to keep themselves busy. The sounds...

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Berserker Part 4: Death and Darkness

I came to my senses several hours later to find Death curled up beside me, her head on my chest. She must have felt me stir for her dark eyes flickered open. Slowly she sat and stretched, the motion doing interesting things to her elegant figure. I...

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Berserker Part 3: War

The news of war quickly spread through the rest of the village. For the remainder of the day I saw the pack rushing about, gathering equipment and supplies for tomorrow's march. By nightfall we gathered all that we would need; tents, bedrolls, and...

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Berserker Part 2: Declaration of War

Morning found me sprawled across the bed in the same position that I fell asleep in, I was roused by a soft knocking at my door. I cracked open an eye and was nearly blinded by the sunlight streaming through the window, I groaned and stretched....

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Berserker Part 1: Joining The Pack

It was a busy spring night at the tavern when the old wolf passed wraithlike through the doors. Humans and beast-kin alike fell silent as he slowly limped through the crowded room. A heavy metallic thud sounded with every other step, in time with the...

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