The death of me
The feeling inside me grows like a virus. Every moment my eyes gaze upon you, My heart begins to beat twice as fast. Your touch sends sparks through my body, Making every hair stand on end. My world was cold and dark before you, Now I am engulfed...
The Scariest moment of my Life
# The scariest moment of my life It began like any other night before. I woke up and got ready for work, then I went and got breakfast in the Galley; Forward Galley so that I would not be late for work. Then I headed to my shop below the Flight...
Love Poem
# Love poem Upon Cupid's wings my love doth fly. For under the stars we both dwell, Our hearts are bonded together, Which distance cannot separate nor twine in two. I miss thee with every breath I take, Nay, with every beat of my heart...
The Kill
# The Kill I feel the cold steel of the blade on my skin. My target walks in front of me, Unaware of the danger that follows. I stalk him like a true predator, Always watching, moving in the shadows, But never causing him alarm at what may...
As I Watch
| # As I watch There I stood, heart broken forever. You turned around and walked away, Leaving me wondering why. Why did you just end this? Everything was going so well, The love we shared was grand. As I watch you walk away, The tears...