Everyone there had some kind of special ability: pyropathy, cryopathy, electropathy, telepathy. every ability one could imagine was represented by someone in the gargantuan fortress under the sea.
in one of the myriad offices sat a secretary.
Boy, Chapter, Friend Porsche, Normal, NotLukos, One, Panda, Panda bear, Tik, because, best, chrono, freeze, lukos, powers, rich, super, time
by Lukos
"No, I'm sorry, but we don't have anymore room. As far as we know all the places on this block are full."
Daley sighed softly. His family had heard that line at the last three places they had stopped. It was hard not to be frustrated,...
Anthro, Car, Chapter, Cryopathy, Daley, Four, Fox, Hotel, Ice, Lion, Mercenary, Normal, NotLukos, Purple, Short, Silver, Stunt, Superpower, auburn, chase, derek, drive, hair, lukos, mane, powers, pursuit, superhero