She jabbed the geroo in the sternum with her spoon, faster than bindi could blink, the head almost as large as the geroo's head, "drop it, mika."
mika, the ringleader, waved his paw over his shoulder at the geroo holding bindi.
Alien, Anup, Brew, Celestia, Fiction, Geroo, Hayven, Hekiru, Krakun, Not, Ringel, SFW, Sci-Fi, Science, always, assholes, can, cold
The two geroo drifted away from the plank, staring at each other's eyes as their boots detached, the magnets no longer active. they held each other. they dared not breathe.
Dance, Geroo, Hayven Celestia, Oribital dive
The shower space was barely big enough for two geroo, and even then, they had to carefully twist themselves so that their thick tails could fit in with them. it was clear that the geordians did try to accommodate geroo.
Geroo, Hayven Celestia, Rain, Science Fiction, Space
They pushed him into a room and stood back as an old geroo approached the terrarium. bindi lowered the intensity of his antics, panting. this geroo represented the first creature he could recognize since the anup guards had been killed.
Adventure, Alien, Celestia, Fanfiction, Fiction, Hayven, Hayven Celestia, Hekiru, Krakun, Ringel, SFW, Sci-Fi, Science, Science Fiction, Slave, Slavery, Space, pirates
The ears were triangular and fanned out a little to the side, so not a geroo's either. the tail was shorter than a ringel... than a geordian, than... most species actually.
Fisi, Geordian, Hayven Celestia, Ringel