Atlantean: Chums as Chum
"a shame that kaldur let his pot fall." he said drawing attention to it. batman let out a light growl and dug into his food. tim saw what damian had done and freed kaldur's balls from the bowl. kaldur looked overjoyed.
Titans Talent Show
Up to the base of kaldur's penis.
Wiroch: Accepted Course
I want more kaldur's produced and we need to get more javelin's allotted in defensive positions." kaldur's were the tempest's standard issue assault rifle. it was large and unwieldy for anyone that wasn't a scale.
Wiroch: Day 1, Part 1
They all held kaldur's with bayonets attached to their guns thoroughly. each one of the dozens of guards also had a weapon of their choice at their hips secured tightly but ready at a moments notice to defend their wielders.