laserbeak take some flockticons and see if you can find them and make sure that they don't get to that base or anynearby autobots."
which laserbeak then said ",it'll be my pleasure."
Australlia, Flockticons, Grimlock, Intense Battle, Laserbeak, captured, grudge, optimus prime, past, rampage, ultra magnus
Which he then launch laserbeak where he soon fly high abouve the sky looking for the human targets that they're after.
Bludgeon, Crosshairs, Ironhide, Oahu, Trap, drift, hound, kidnap, megatron, plot, ultra magnus
laserbeak and buzzsaw perch up high and out of the way, their attentive optics catching everything. ratbat hangs not far from them, a bit laser burned.
Action, Character Development, Death, Tragedy