The Revolution

Co-leader of the revolution, vice-admiral in the us navy. from arkansas. marshal: golden orange cat, co-leader of the revolution, brigadier general in the us army. from iowa. sorensky: black and white siberian husky.


Grim Forge

People who die and who go to heaven realize that some of the people who they cared about in life were sent to hell and that they're no longer allowed to interact with each other. The split shifts, from being simply between demons on one side and angels...

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Rooftops: Tempest

We've grown sick of it; revolution is imminent.

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Revolution Part Two

  revolution! part two     a few weeks later archie had been rallying people from his school to go to the "big hippie festival" with him and vaughn.

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Revolution! Part One

                                                            revolution! part one   "hey! get back here right now young mister!" yelled the police wolf chasing the escaping protestor. he looked back at the police wolf and started to sprint faster.

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Arcane Rising: Prologue

Arcane Rising: Prologue Like a dark thundercloud, a crowd gathered around the palace. They struck with rage that burned like their fiery torches. Their ringleader, a black...

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Revolution! Prologue

                                     revolution! prologue   revolution is about the many protests about the war in vietnam back in america. it takes place in 1964-1969 san francisco, california.

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Paradigm Shift 1: Flash Point

This was a revolution. then, another explosion happened, far closer to us. i stood up, shakily, and looked out the window. one of the apcs was on it's side, wheels still spinning uselessly.

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Together We Rise

I would assume by the time we arrive there the word will have spread about a revolution, so night security will be ramped up. i suggest we strike during the day and overwhelm them before they can reinforce.

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Join the Revolution (TF, Robot)

"then the revolution can continue," the 'roo replied as the robot that had once been theo walked across the food court, joining the rest of the robots ready to spread the revolution across the land. -=-=-=-=-=- this story was written and copyright 2013 by

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My Life as a Dragon Slave: Book 2 Chapter 7

We will begin a revolution. a revolution that will change humanity for the better. your kind will be part of that revolution. you will be the ones to guide us to a new age. an age of peace, love, and safety.

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