Strength in Will and Rage

"i'm sorry, my name's feere... soldier of fortune at your service.. and i'm meeting a contact in silvermine... how far is it from here?" "i don't think that matters very much to you." he turned "and why no...."

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Beyond the Deep - Spooktober Horror Story

**Warning:**** Horror, real life, panic, **** delirium ****.** [Disclaimer: Any names portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Any resemblances with actual people or characters are completely coincidental.] **BEYOND THE DEEP** Sabrina was...

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Prey for Me - The Hollow Silence, part 6

She looked back over her shoulder, watching baumann and the silvermine that was sucking the life out of her and her family. "i hope you die, sheriff baumann," she whispered. "i hope you die, screaming.

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