transformer83 requested a scorpion taur tf.
Annoyeddragon, Female, Gore, Taur, Transformation, Transformer83, Women, adf, fem, scorpion, tf, theif, transform
Special character notes/thanks:
to transformer83 owner of the character jergin: thanks! i really enjoyed working with a naga character and fer th first time since i have been writing! simply amazing!
69, Anal, Belly bulging, Bondage, Bunny, Candy Cane, Candy_Gagging, Candy_Insertion, Cat, Cinccino, Cubification, Cum, Double-Penetration, Female, Fox, Gagging, Gay, Hermaphrodite, Hybrid, Lucario, Male, Male-Herm, Naga, Ninebreon, Ninetales, Orgy, Rabbit, Rape, Snake, Snowballing, Straight, Umbreon, Vaginal, candy, candy store, store