War Hound Chapter 4
Whatca doing here tyria?" "tyria is going to be stay with us while her place is worked on." samantha replies for tyria. "really?" and tyria nods. "yippy!" "well that went over well."
War hound Chapter 7
tyria played with jackie as samantha made dinner. samantha looks close at tyria. tyria or rebirth enter her life by saving her and jackie. she then became a good friend and has defended her on more than one occasion.
War Hound Chapter 5
That night while sleeping tyria thought she heard an arroo hoot. the next day tyria didn't work but decided to take a walk.
War Hound Chapter 3
I'm tyria dragon so who ever you are you can leave." \<tyria dragon? impossible! the non war hound parent is sacrificed to a new war hound is born. you can't be tyria.\> "i am tyria!" then what the voice said sinks in. "war hound?
War Hound Chapter 2
Sadly she had to go to tyria's work for she needs the apartment to live and that requires money thus she has to use tyria's job.
War Hound Chapter 8
But tyria/rebirth became worried as the decades past.
Unter Drachen 10 - Tyria
tyria sieht mich erstaunt an. „richtig.
War Hound Chapter 6
Her pack now was tyria, samantha, and jackie. she will do her utmost to defend and support them as long a they lived. jackie emerges from her room and races over to rebirth and hugs the war hound. "you feel weird tyria."
Unter Drachen 18 - Neu eingekleidet
Sie wird nicht ohne tyria hineingehen, wenigstens solange tyria auch hier ist.
Unter Drachen 12 - Ein ruhiger Tag zu Hause
„was hast du mit tyria gemacht? - ist das überhaupt tyria?" sie grinst.
Unter Drachen 13 - Eine schwere Entscheidung
tyria kichert leise.
Unter Drachen 11 - Zyklon
Schnell stehe ich vor der tür und sehe tyria langsam, etwas unsicher, näherkommen. „tyria? wie geht es dir?"