Mossflower After Midnight: Tsarmina/Brogg

Air rushed from Brogg's lungs along with his orgasm, leaving him sprawled and winded on Tsarmina's bed. The wildcat herself knelt nude at his footpaws, mouth still on him, rasping tongue drawing out every last drop until he hissed in pain. She drew...

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Mossflower After Midnight: Russa

"Rrgh." Russa massaged her neck with one paw and scratched her back with her trusty stick held in the other. Useful thing, a stick. Her muscles relaxed as much as they ever did as she worked the pressure down from shoulder to tailbase, the warm sleepy...

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Pale Shade of Blue

Ice-cold blue Snowfall makes the den a tomb Waited to parley with you Trusted all your words untrue Lives all fading War cries sound louder than the ocean's crash You supply the weapons and he'll provide the wrath Rebellion breaks a father's...

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Guro Challenge #19: Pet-Play

Mokug sat beneath the table, as always, hugging his knees, waiting for his master to remember his presence so he would be fed. His stomach rumbled at the smell of hot fish soup, and the ferret rumbled a chuckle in turn. The hamster shivered as...

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A Curious Fleet: Nagru/Silvamord

Three days a year Nagru and Silvamord make a truce. The rats know it's coming when her scent begins to change and she walks with her tail stiff; Nagru is less vicious to her, yet more tense. They avoid eye contact all evening as they eat their fill,...

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Guro Challenge #24: Bloodbath

The name and popular rumour to the contrary, the _Goreleech_ was not painted with real blood. Dried blood didn't stay that shade of red, as he knew well, and while a herd or two of cows could probably provide enough blood for a ship that size the...

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Guro Challenge #23: Nosebleed

"Oh, I say, m'dear! Are you quite alright?" "Why wouldn't I be?" Clecky put a claw to his nosetip, and said "Your snout, Grath, it's bleeding. Did you bump it, wot?" "Oh, that!" Grath's paw came away from her whiskers with blood on it. "It's...

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Won't Go Down Without A Fight

Soaked in soapy water, Mariel ground her teeth and tried to block out the pain in her knees and paws and the uproarious laughter of the surrounding searats. The booted footpaw which had tripped her connected with her bottom and knocked her forward into...

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A Curious Fleet: Cluny/Sela

"I'm sorry, my lord, this is going to hurt whatever I do." "Just get on with it." Cluny lay on his front, his prized tail protruding from the blankets and resting in Sela's paws. It was setting crooked; she had to fix it or it would be useless as a...

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Guro Challenge #32: Scarring/Disfiguration

"Why do you wear that mask, fox?" Slagar touched the cloth over his ruined cheek and said "My own reasons, sire." "And what may they be? Tell me." "Deception. Disguise. Many reasons, sire." Slagar kept his gaze steady on the mouth of the statue, and...

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Guro Challenge #25: Organs

Blaggut supposed Slipp was right, he was an idiot; a clever beast would have asked what the word "quarantine" actually meant before going to find out for himself. Of course he'd been caught and thrown out, amid many curses from the healers (he didn't...

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Guro Challenge #11: Conjoined Bodies

When any of their pups had a disagreement not vicious enough to result in death but loud and long-lasting enough to aggravate those around them, the ratwives would tie their tails together and leave them that way until they wore themselves out...

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