"...." -Drip, drip, drip, drip. A mahogany, free-flowing solution soiled the resting boy's front, a miasma pricking his nostrils, unceremoniously waking the Demon.- "Mor-Morgana..? Bride..well?" -Worriedly inquired Voso, to his tranquility they both...
The End of the Road
A lone wolf walking down in a cold night of winter chasing a white rabbit that eluded him for weeks, found him self lost in an unknown territory. the still open wounds from the fight that forced him to leave the pack made walking down the snow even...
Suddenly get a feeling that Something should be there But in the end Isn't there You could have Done something Or your efforts Just weren't good enough But whatever happens Happens That's life Things happen Whether good or...
Announcement For The Masses
** **this is melancholy man guy.** **here i am once again with another announcement.** **i'm going on a hiatus for this story.** **i am not going anywhere believe me; if i was, i wouldn't be able to make this.** **i'm just putting them on pause until
Announcement For The Masses
** **this is melancholy man guy.** **here i am once again with another announcement.** **i'm going on a hiatus for this story.** **i am not going anywhere believe me; if i was, i wouldn't be able to make this.** **i'm just putting them on pause until
Announcement For The Masses
** **this is melancholy man guy.** **here i am once again with another announcement.** **i'm going on a hiatus for this story.** **i am not going anywhere believe me; if i was, i wouldn't be able to make this.** **i'm just putting them on pause until
Don't Keep the Light On
A/N: This had come to me the other night while trying to fall asleep. Guess I'm still a bit too sentimental. It's nothing really in particular, just thoughts put down on a page.I opened a door the other day. It was a place that I'd wanted to forget...
Love leaves tracks...but it also leaves scars. Love's touch is warm...but it burns too. Love is joy...but it is also pain. Love is wonderful...but it is also horrible.
I look around me, online to see People with happiness, love, and glee. I wish I could find someone like that, For me. I look inside, at my face, at my voice "Sexy" is the girls' word of choice, I look at it and sigh... And then I cry. I...
Werewolf Wishes
Did you know that we can sense the sun? The duality of our nature. Life and death. Hunger and satiation. Violence and peace. Moon and sun. I've seen over 30,000 sunrises, thick with dust and shrouded in rain and magnified by the heat. I am...
Lingering Melancholy
Arnie's tooth-pain has come down considerably. He still feels that he should see a dentist, though he hasn't worked enough hours to get insured by his company yet, and he's severely paranoid any further strain on his already tight budget will tip him...
A Wolf's Melancholy
As Eric waited for his sister's last class to finish he could hear Carla's words echoing in his mind. "I don't want to see you again Eric. Don't call me, don't email me, don't try and contact me whatsoever! You can go fuck every single girl you...