Iron Dragon Chapters 107-108
One of the velopians said. "very well. navigation handed over to velopian pilots." mianth said and let go of the pillars, the glow gone from her eyes.
Iron Dragon Chapters 111-112
One of the velopians said. "no, not now!" mianth exclaimed. "they are dropping troops!" a second velopian yelled. "raise shields and alert the augmented forces. prepare all batteries to return fire!" mianth yelled.
Iron Dragon Chapters 105-106
Eryk tylien was the velopian equivalent of admiral of the navy. well their version of a space going navy. velopian was like elf and is a soft spoken language. it was difficult to translate from velopian to elf then to english.
Iron Dragon Chapters 109-110
The velopians were large believers in shamanistic ways. the velopians had a very nature based religion, similar to some pagan religions on earth. to the velopians, nodrog was simply an earth elemental dragon of unequaled power.
Iron Dragon Chapters 143-144
Alice and carly met the two velopian drivers that would be on track with them during their practice runs. the velopian cars were perhaps the strangest, simply because they were the only four legged species in the race.
Iron Dragon Chapters 167-168
At this point the velopians and humans had trade agreements in place, so cargo ships were making regular trips to and from earth.
Iron Dragon Chapters 165-166
Mainly in part of the velopians' nature, news traveled quickly. meaning all of the dragons that lived and worked with the velopians knew about dallarth's relationship with tolthain.
Iron Dragon Chapters 175-176
While the velopians, dallarth lived with were still frightened by the other typhoons. neither dragon wanted to put the velopians or humans in a situation they were not comfortable with.
Iron Dragon chapters 183 and 184
That brought up what tera always thought was the silliest question non velopians asked her, how she and other velopians could sustain vocals or wind instruments so long between breaths.
Iron Dragon chapter 192
Business had gone well, and the velopians were pleasant to deal with; even with some of the complications that arose from biological differences. of all the species he had met thus far, he was beginning to enjoy working with the velopians.
Iron Dragon Chapters 181 and 182
The young velopian was a musical savant on the velopian world, having mastered a number of instruments and writing techniques. it would be a tedious process to write her music so winston and the other human musicians could read it.
Iron Dragon Chapters 171-172
Nodrog had also introduced the two human musicians to a couple of other velopians in the music industry. winston actually found it easy to be around the velopians and talk in this slightly formal setting.