the quiet of the night
But he just stood there wagging his fluffy tail knowing that today was one less day and night till he sees his mate but all he has to listen to in work is isthe quiet of the night.
Work, Work, Work....
The past two weeks had been nothing but work, followed by more work, and then when the last assignment was finished there was a bit more work.
Farumir Works - FAQ
I won't trade costume/prop work for 2d work and i won't trade 2d work for literature work (since i'm perfectly capable of writing my own literature).
"Demons and Martyrs"
"Can't live, can't die, can't even be allowed a moment to cry. No pain, no gain, even if my tears continue to flow like icy rain. Why do I even bother? Why do I do this to help another? To protect my lover, my friends, my father, land and my mother....
Chapter two: The day with my boss
**Casa de José** **07:15** Jack: Onde estou? Levanto-me e ver imediatamente a estante de livros, imagens, fotos de meu chefe, acho que eu estava em casa, mas por quê? Ouço a porta aberta e, em seguida, alguém me abraça por trás. Joseph:...
Chapter one First Night: Freddy
, well, i'll explain everything jack: ok he puts his arm around my neck joseph: then, you work from midnight until six in the morning, the animatronics roam freely at night everywhere jack: i have to worry about it?
When Disaster Strikes
The work site closed in around them, trapping them in the bounty they once cherished and pressing them into the lingering white fog. soon the entire work site moved again, floating through the air.
Hello everyone, Monday I start my job at the Napa Valley Transporation doing data entry. I look forward to it, I am going to use this job not just to get my own place or get a place with a roommate in Napa California. But to also help give me more...
Two Worlds?
Taywin is the daughter of a queen, (yeah cheesy i know but it's not the disney cliché, work with me xd) which puts a lot of pressure on the teen.
Accent experiment - Good or Bad?
Experimenting with accents in dialogue. Not sure if I should even have an accent at ALL, but I figured I should try and get it down anyways. Critique mainly on the...
Deleting Story Files
To clear up my computer and some of the insanity of my story folder, I am deleting ALL of my stories from my computer. If you really like some of my stories, I insist you save those certain ones because if they get delete from Sofurry or Furaffinity,...
Chronicles of the Shikari: Prologue
The gods knew of them simply as demons and with these demons gone the gods would need to work quickly to save what they had almost killed.