Antecedent 8
"my grandmother was queen chrysalis. so i guess that makes me... an eighth of a changeling?" raindrop pondered on that for a moment, humming and rubbing her chin with a hoof. "wouldn't it be a quarter?" sentinel suggested.
Forbidden Love
She had been totally distracted the whole time trying to deal with the "evil" princess cadence who turned out to be queen chrysalis and hadn't had the time to confront her brother about the wedding.
The Guardians of Equestria - Chapter 2 – Mornings, Messages, Meetings, and Meanings…
There still haven't been any sightings of queen chrysalis, so we may not need to worry about her anymore." shining armor looked up and noticed that twilight was glancing between both celestia and luna.
MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter Eleven
Then, now older, she saw herself arrive in ponyville for the sun celebration, saw herself revive the elements of harmony, saw herself defeat nightmare moon, reform discord, stop queen chrysalis's plans, overcome king sombra, and then turn into alicorn royalty