A Ponyville wedding

Many months later, all of ponyville was abuzz with the rumour of an imminent marriage proposal. it was reported that stormbolt had gone into the jewellers and bought a gold necklace with a beautiful diamond.

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Dinner in Ponyville

When his eyes opened to find himself sitting in a squishy chair in the ponyville library he had a total of five seconds to recover before he had a handful of introductions crammed down his throat.

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Ponyville mayhem

"welcome to ponyville new friend." minty cheered. minty was a green pony who has lived in ponyville her whole life. "its good to be here." the new arrival smiled. "what is your name?" pinky pie asked. "my name is arctic angel."

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Welcome to Ponyville

Welcome to ponyville! this commission was written as story #4 of my 2014 iron author challenge for an anonymous buyer. :3 it contains transformation from a human to a pony. :3 **welcome to ponyville** brown hair. glasses. pale skin.

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Born of Chaos Ch. 5

Until that is, you flew over ponyville. "discord," luna wondered, "why haven't you touched that village yet?" discord looked over at her. "hmm? oh, the village."

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Burned Bridges [MLP]

She didn't want to go to ponyville - but she had to. \* \* \* she spent the rest of her first day back in ponyville in her room, crying.

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The Royal Apples - Part XVIII

"the 14thof hoof and one squadron of the guard wing will remain here in ponyville. i want the 2nd lancers and the remaining guard squadrons with me. have those guards elements form-up at the ponyville depot in ten minutes.

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Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 1

I've come to say i'm resigning from my position as ponyville's weather manager, effective immediately. i also suggest that raindrops replace me as weather manager. her style is different than mine, but she knows her stuff and knows ponyville."

The Death of a Prince - ACT IV

Barely a day had passed since thunderbuck and his protection had arrived in ponyville, and he already felt like he needed to leave.

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The Death of a Prince ACT III

This private coach ends in ponyville. from there we have to travel by normal rail back to manehattan, and secure passage on a ship back to kastrot," the one getting his mane clipped said.

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 7

"i'm twilight skies, head weather pony for ponyville. well miss dash you come highly recommended to me. i'm retiring soon but i won't till i'm sure ponyville is in good hooves. ponyville isn't like any other town in equestria.