Pleasure Island Cosplay Convention (Donkey TF)

"Wanna grab a drink? I bet you're dying in that thing!" Josh asked, grabbing his boyfriend and dragging him over to the bar area before Paul could answer. Paul sighed his reluctant agreement. He thought it was too early to start drinking yet, but his...

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A Hard Donk at the Office (Donkey TF)

"Hey, I'll take a refill!" Barry yelled, perhaps louder than he intended. He was already feeling a steady buzz, but it would take several more drinks before he was finished tonight. The bartender, shaking his head a little, obliged his host....

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The Perfect Costume Piece

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, admiring the sharp-fanged visage that regarded me back. A smile crossed my lips as my sharp canines glinted, the shape and texture looking perfectly in place over my human teeth. These fangs looked...

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A New Werewolf in Philly

"You OK, man?" Eli inquired as his buddy rubbed the same sore spot on his shoulder for what looked like the twelfth time that night. "Yeah, it's just...fuck. Sorry. It's fine. Probably sunburn. Or a rash. It won't stop itching!" Alister...

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Recognizing Your Best Parts (Dragon merger TF)

Leung let out a sigh of relief as he stepped into his cool studio and turned on the lights. He had closed down during his trip, and although a little musty, it was just as he'd left it. It would take some time to get things in...

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Sweating it Out (Slug TF)

Janice wiped her sweaty brow with one hand, her other on the dirty fountain handle as she tried desperately to push out a stream of water large enough to drink from. She hated the idea of drinking from such a fountain, but she had forgotten her...

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This Storm is Bugging Me! (Alien Insect TF)

Aaron regarded the entirety of his new cave for the third time that hour. He had little else to do but stare around at what had become his own personal hell. His leg was too fucked up to move, the ankle screaming in pain whenever he tried to lift...

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We're all Dudes in Here! (Donkey TF)

Steve glanced nervously around the open locker room, wishing that he had chosen a larger establishment for his new workout regimen. Unlike most gym locker rooms he had been in, these lockers were all arranged around the walls, with benches in a square...

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Something Smells Fishy

Tyler stood at the edge of the precipice, looking down into the stale water at the bottom of the slide. Thankfully, there was still more than enough water to cushion his fall. The water seemed off somehow, though it was hard to tell in the low light of...

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The Witches

"Will there be anything else you require for your meeting?" The hotel manager asked as a final tray of water pitchers was wheeled into the meeting room. "No, that will be all. I will ask again that we remain undisturbed for the duration of...

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Bull Frontal

"And here's our herd of bulls! None of em' were here back when you were a kid, eh, son?!" Henry said with a chuckle as he patted Dylan's shoulder. Dylan groaned. He had not seen his uncle in over 5 years when he had been a teen. At 22, he...

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Stealing the Spotlight

"I'm sooo bored! Honey, make it do something!" Tori whined, staring at the mass of dark yellow, spotted hair, barely visible behind the inner walls of the enclosure. It was the last in a long line of zoo exhibits that seemed to have no intention of...

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