Transformed Struggles- 1

**Chapter 1** The clock just sits there, unmoving as he stares at it. It is a plain thing, a static thing, he muses. A thing so unchanging that one can watch it doing nothing for an immeasurable length of time before finding it suddenly different....

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High School of Sex and High School Life

sorry for the long wait for those of you who are still with me i thank ou for sticking around and for those who left I will say sory for the long wait. i have been moving alot twice in a year infact. but now i finished and am back if you would like to...

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2, Driving a What Now?

"Please, have a seat Mr. Blaiz, there is a matter of utmost importance that we must discuss with you, an opportunity if you're interested." Said the superintendent, a white haired mouse named Dexter. Draco took the seat in front of the principal's...

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Desperate Needs

**"Please miss! I'm busting!" a teenage lioness squealed in discomfort. The lioness's name was Crystal and she had snowy white fur and watery blue eyes.** **"No, you cannot! You've had the whole of lunch break to go!" her teacher, Mrs Sanders (a...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 1: Application

Chapter 1: Application "Give it back!" the female rattatta cried out. "My momma made it for me!" She made a dive for the purple ribbon, but it was yanked out of the way. "Ha, what are you aiming for!?" the zigzagoon laughed at her...

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Friday: part 2 Adam the bully

As I rush down the street I see the bus I yell "wait" but no one could hear me " I wish my backpack wasn't so heavy" I barely make it to the bus "you were late" the bus driver tells me "sorry I'll be better next time" he shrugs and tells me to get in....

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Eiko, the shy and timid Golden

When she changed town and school she never bothered trying to make friends and often distanced herself from other groups of people, and while it was lonely and often very boring, she never really struggled with any bullying or teasing since she was never around

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Calico And Shep Chapter 1

* * * Calico And Shep. Chapter 1- The first moments. He hi fived a fellow jock as he walked past her in the hall. As he did his muscles rippled under his jacket, he was a year older than everone else in his class, he had purposely repeated his final...

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Gold Lightning…Part Two

I know that I should not be mad but I am! You might be wondering why I say that it is because I have to not use my powers during school. I love to learn but I hate not getting to use my powers. They say to keep the other kids safe, but I say because...

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Black Lightning…Part One

I am black lightning and I have a power! My power is the power to make black lightning and that is why I am named Black Light! I love to use my power but others think I am a demon. I am not I have the power to walk intI the shadows and disappear and...

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Lesson Plan

Chapter 1: Dream Vs. Reality Its funny the way things in life worked out, the thought of me becoming an art teacher would have never crossed my mind. Especially four years ago, back when i was in high school at the age of eighteen. A young...

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Hiding....... Chapter 1

This is my second story so bare with me and hope you like it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leo woke...

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