Shadow of Life ending
Claude starts to chase after but finds he is frozen in place, the powder joe sprinkled on the floor creating a wall of ghostly flames that hold him still. joe yells back as he vanishes down the halls "i'll stop back and check on you in a day or two."
A chance encounter
I'm a ghost." -"lance..." -"chris, just listen to me." -"lance!"
Phantom Chronicles:Chapter 1
n the city that never sleeps all was well. Furs, birds, and reptiles of all shapes and sizes navigated through the crowds and traffic to complete their nightly agendas or to just go home after a long day at work. Sadly humans are not anywhere in the...
Dearest Sorrow
The darkness cloaked the edge of the cliff just outside of the city of Ryo-Ma. It was raining hard upon as the prince to be emperor Xing stood close to the very edge. Cloaked in his finest red silk clothes, the fox closed his eyes gently as he fell to...
Love, War, Fox Ghosts 'N' Stuff
After the transformation of Alex's shrewish wife into a solid gold statue, he grew ever closer to the strange, otherworldly house guest that was the spirit of a dead fox, so much so in fact that he grew to question his own sanity. Following the...
Phantom Chronicles: Chapter 6
"hey dad quick question...i remember during the whole shadow and reaper when i was five that you couldn't see nor hear ghosts or reapers but now you can see and hear us now...why is that?"
Green Fairy Excerpt #1
Or maybe it was a ghost watching him. he didn't know many people who'd died: his grandfather and his cousin, and his grandfather had died when he was five. so maybe it was his cousin's ghost watching him.
THE INN: Chapter 1
This was basically the reason I signed up here, I just ended up posting a lot of artwork instead. Im LOOKING for criticism and help with the language. I don't sue. I'm a beginner. This is a horror story. Just so yall are...
I don't know why a ghost hunter runs from a ghost. must not have been a good match." curious. it didn't really answer the question. what ghost hunter runs from a hunt? more importantly, "why do they let you in?"
Once in a lifetime, after the rain is gone
I went to bed an hour after dinner to try and make up for some lost sleep because; being awakened by a ghostly apparition/spirit/spooky thingy leads to lack of sleep.
Chapter 6: The Lost Burial Grounds of Meketh
The Seduction of Seleste _from the world of the mating season_ The Lost Burial Grounds of Meketh Chapter 6 Keme stood in shock for a moment. One second the little female was waltzing off with his stuff, next second and she was shooting out of...
Never Play With a Ouija part 2
"No!!" The invisible fingers that grabbed her ass, slid forward and one wormed its way inside of her. It was a strange feeling, cold, somewhat sold but somewhat not and statically charged. The small lizard squirmed, trying to get away from the touch....