Happy Guilt
Fleeting thoughts echo the mind so innocent the crime weep for my sins building my tomb with tears of regret such a bitter sweet thing fortress you built of words betrayer beneath my chest watcher from afar do you pity or curse me heeding my pain
The Twilight Army; Pain and New Beginnings
#1 of the twilight army chapter one: pain and new beginnings. rain poured down across the barren plains. no life, trees, rivers or even rocks inhabited this place; all that could be seen was the muddy, lifeless scene.
Poem #65: Alone
These two boys are forced to become men, forced to deal with their own pain; but they both need relief, and so find each other. each sits in pain and misery: two men sit alone, in the dark, together. ~bhscorch [!
Sorrow of the Past
The pain of what you experienced might never go away. but you can learn to live with it. carl perkins thought he had it all. a nice two-storey home on the apple street, kids, a loving wife and most importantly, a fancy new car.
When we have rules we should abide pain is caused scars and wounds are made so tell me why is it our friendship must fade? why do we do the things we do? why can't i just say i love you? when will things work out?
Poem # 24
That the pain wasn't real? or would they scream too? thinking like i do, that it feels so real. the burning, the pain, the muscle spasms, even if in my head, it feels so real, surely some entity is having fun at my expense.
poems week 3
So are you wearing a mask, be it of lies, love, strength, truth, fear, pain, or sadness? are you a black mask now that it is redefined or a white mask? -1 among 4
I'm still alive.poem
My soul is gone my heart left on never ending pain. every time i see your face i want to break the glass between us. ask why you took me then throw me away. i want to scream from deep down what you did to me. but i can't say a word.
Bliss is she
Damn this world Damn this life Damn this time will this world ever accept me. am i a outcast doomed by time to wander. A drifter with no life. A voice with no one to hear. A soul alone in the darkness. Am i doomed to fail. Can i rise from this grave...
poem hate
Now that i see you in this pain. i only find my self laughing at you. for i never could forgive you. i lived to love but i cant because of you. you tore my heart out in front of me you trun to dust right infront of me.
Reminded of Memories
You cannot know, that cold world's pain! i understand, it is hard to believe, but when truth i speak, you say i deceive! what cause have i, to utter lies? i can lose nothing, in your eyes!
My Pen, And My Choice
So few truely understood the depth of his pain, his longing. so he wrote it down in the notebook with the black cover. it was his chronicle. he lived with pain his whole life.