Red Twilight: the avatar Awakend Chapter 5

**Chapter 5** Blood For Days Meyu trains Razuki, teaching him what she is, and now what he is. The Methuselah have most of the powers of your typical vampire; superhuman strength, the ability to jump ten stories straight up, to see though walls,...

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#1 of writing thoughts on happiness... christmas 2014 :) pause. just for a moment. pause. take a deep breath. close your eyes. don't think. whatever's in your head? just let it go. don't think. just be. go ahead... do it.

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Lucario: A Pokemon Trainer (Chapter 1)

Lucario: A Pokemon Trainer "Professor, what made you choose such a strange specialty for study? Pokemon who can speak the human language? Why? "Well, there have been stranger studies. Sometimes science is simply about knowing something for no other...

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On the Steps

He sits on the step, staring at nothing His gaze is low and unfocused, head slightly tilted Numb from stillness, his body is gone Winds of thought whisper through him They steal away, and leave him hollow In the absence make themselves...

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Wheels and Gears That Turn

I stare at the blank paper and it stares back. It stares back as mocking as my sibling's can be. The idea of writer's block is bad enough without the medium that you are to work your magic with teasing you for your insufficient progress. My eyes...

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For The Good of Many

It's been pretty challenging the past few days to write with this incessant heatwave passing through, but i have a little something here based on an idea from a time long ago.

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Hunting Brothers

Timul and Lio signed silently to one another as they approached the bend in the clearing, their breathing slow and controlled in stark contrast to the rapid beating of their hearts within their chests. With their awareness expanded and senses on full...

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She Woke Up In The Woods

She Woke Up In The Woods She woke up in the woods. There were trees all around her. They grew closer together than in the parts of the woods she knew. Darkness enveloped her like a fog, but at least that part was normal -- she came to the woods...

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#1 of writing prompts a writing prompt from tayu's telegram writing group.

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Into the Depths Part 3

Older writing from the past. this is the third part of a story that i wrote to someone i was dating at the time to let her know how i was through writing. posted using postybirb into the depths part 3 initiating battle engine...

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A Letter to Sapphire

A letter to Sapphire (Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.) Dear Sapphire, Hello. I hope you are doing well. I see you are still shining like you always have. You haven't changed a bit have...

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Writing Commissions, Types, and Pricing

I'm open for writing commissions. anyone who is interested, just send me a message! :) writing commissions, types and pricing * * * hello everyone! the writer j.c.

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