Limbo Lower (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The scorched and battered hulk of the ship rested heavily into the footprint of the broad prairie, the majority of the worthwhile and detachable bits having been long since removed. In the skeletal framing of panels and discolored equipment, the...

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Meals and Plans (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The laundromat was a soft rumble of clanking machines and muffled tumbles of clothes as Jake regarded the length of vending machine dubliously. The dragon glanced over to Randy, smiling at how comfortable the kobold seemed to be sitting in the corner...

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Understanding Wreck (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The bridge of the wrecked ship was a study of dust and debris, with only the single terminal appearing to cling to life as the bluejay carefully worked on the wiring of the base. The flickering seemed to stabilize for a moment, before she stood and...

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Dinner and Movie (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The kobold was busy scampering around in his kitchen while Bell shuffled his way along the bookshelf in the main room that now smelled of the Synth's bakery. While he was mixing in the diced peppers into the skillet, his boyfriend lumbered somewhat...

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Fast Casting (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The night had been calm, and the weather outside of Budget Friend's All Night Food Shanty had kept up a low drizzle. While the floor between the office and dishwasher was drying, the manager on duty slumped in a stool at the registers. He perked up a...

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Subdued Arrival (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The bedroom was silent, short of the soft crackle of the clock radio on the nightstand that had been tuned to an empty spot of the dial and still held more minutes left to its Sleep mode. The fox, having generated a pile of the house pants and...

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Battered Order (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The raccoon paused to regard the bowl of ingredients, measuring cup full of flour in hand. All that was left to the bowl to be containing pancake batter was for her to stir in the flour, though the bowl's current contents seemed be foaming violently....

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Seconds Hand (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Under a sky that blazed across its width with arcs of lightening, the deer lost his footing in one of the dashes between the trees of the forest. As he skidded through the sluiced mud and gravel, his eyes again caught sight of the lights he'd hoped...

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Care Package (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The rabbit nibbled gingerly at the microwaved potato, giving the core of it time to steam out its heat. With her other hand, she regarded the careful script of her mother laid out on the page with an ink somewhat faded by the weeks the package had...

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Dough to Bread (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The squirrel peered at the baking pans as she slapped the kitchen timer into silence. The loaf of dough in each was a mishapen and tangled mass of sticky goop, though it appeared to be a fair bit larger than when she had left it to set the hour...

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Retreat to Command (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The phoenix stumbled through the hallways of the ship, his eyes closed and hand grasping his shoulder firmly. With months of practice aboard the ship, he was able to readily navigate the corridors filled to overflowing with vibrantly flashing lights...

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Mechanics of a Date (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The synth, hulking over his kobold boyfriend, leaned down to nibble a bit at the kobold's ear-ridge. The baker playfully volunteered, "You sure you're not taking me here just because you're crushing on that dragon who's on the sign?" ~ The kobold,...

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