The clay mountains tower over the mouth leading into the peninsula, terrain scattered with ramparts and other various defensive equipment from either side. The tawny clay seems to allow bits of vegetation to grow at its base where water once...
Drama, Plot Development, War
Project Zolaris Ch. 4
STORY CONTENTS: Apocalyptic Future, Love, Miracles
COPYRIGHTS: All Characters & Situations © Allester E. Darkflame...
Love, Plot Development, miracle
Chapter 4: The Sanctuary
**Planet: Earth
Location: Greenlake Valley, S.C.
Time: 10:30 pm
Date: July 4th, 2010**
"The Sanctuary? More like The Shithole!" Pvt. Hawkins says then proceeds to laugh hysterically.
The Sanctuary, before all of this,...
Military, Plot Development, zombies
Marek hated working these remote assignments. Far removed from any civilized towns, these places were lawless at best and had the uncanny ability to attract any form of low life within a hundred leagues. If a business had any but the smallest of...
Fantasy, Fighting, Plot Development
Aiyesh stared at the moonlight that managed to find its way through the tiny window far above her prison. The nights were getting cold again, had a full turn already passed? If it had, the fates either favored or despised her, maybe both. She could...
Fantasy, Introduction, Plot Development
Interstellar Dissonance: "Elements"
By Jesse Brown
_At the beginning, before there was time, three wolf gods met, each contributing to the creation of the universe. Fenrir, the god of the Void, created a great pit in reality to contain the universe....
Plot Development, Series, Story
Marek headed straight for the exchange counter. The smuggler shouldn't be in any particular hurry, unless he just wanted to distance himself from the arena. Judging by the stunned look on the man's face and the fact he hadn't moved from the pit's edge,...
Fantasy, Lizard, Plot Development
StarFox Meta
Arc 1: Prologue
A shadow of a head topped with cannid ears can be seen over an old couch in the glow of a large square holograph depicting a very bored looking feline in a blue suit behind a large wooden desk, "Good evening, I'm Lew...
Plot Development, Series, Starfox
_'Canada's "Project X" to be the next step in human evolution'_ firmly stated the front page article title of the newspaper. Trey promptly rolled it up and threw it into the paper bin without giving it a second glance.
"I have no idea why I'm still...
Character Development, Plot Development
"I don't know about you, but I'm excited," Havok said as the four waited at the coordinates that Ailsa had given them, the sun in perpetual setting mode since this area wasn't really developed for anything other than for people to hang out and talk....
No-Yiff, Plot Development, Transformation
Beeball was a crane train able to crane any rail work at any time.
Beeball had a tough job one day he had to lift huge trees and steel poles to build a home near the rail tracks but the tracks ended before he could get to the site of the home.
Magic, Plot Development, trains
**Chapter 2**
**"Does he think I'm cute?"**
Bridge finishes the album and sets his phone to the side. He grins with both eyes closed. It was nice to finally listen to it, even if he was interrupted. House music is still alive! He continues to...
Kissing, Plot Development, Series