Mother part 3

The next day, George and Maria were absolutely brimming with confidence and it had nothing to do with the fact that they had just wonderful sex the night before (although that most definitely helped). These two wolves would explore that mean, old,...

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Chapter Eighteen -- Family Matters

Chapter Eighteen -- Family Matters The catamaran pulled out smoothly from the jetty, and Miyatsu swung the wheel to head it north. Then he looked to where Montaro and Mieko were sitting, their expressions just a little too innocent in the...

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Time travellers pt 1

Part one of my first story series. If you know chrono trigger, this might seem like that a lot later on. " " represents talking. ‘ ' represents thinking The assassin crept into her target's bedroom. Everyone in the house was already...

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1. Departure

Departure Kaia sat in her seat, rubbing her young eyes tiredly. She was awaiting the arrival of her father, to pick her up from the air port. She'd traveled on a long overnight flight so she could spend a week or two with him. The flight had been...

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At first i wasn't sure as to what had happened, but when i saw the creatures that had taken me i knew i had been "abducted" by aliens.

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Sonny gets Mad Scienced

Sonny gets Mad Science'd by Eulalie "Nequ" Quentin 2009 Creative Commons By-SA-NC 3.0 +++++ It's not the valleys in life I dread so much as the dips. -Garfield +++++ The very best predators are cunning. They go after solitary animals,...

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Turn of Events: Chapter Two

Chapter Two "Things Just Got Worse" The light that came into the dark room was almost like a fire burning through his pupils. Rolling over onto his side, he tried to keep the...

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The Beloved Pet Ch2

A continuation of the forgotten series I posted to DA so long ago. Posted to DA on 6/13/08 Posted to FA on 5/28/09 \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* "Captured" Having been out cold for an indeterminate amount of time I...

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Trei's Tribulations. Chapter 1

Hey, Its me again. I know its been a long time since my last submission. I figured I should put something up so you guys didn't think I died. This was something I wrote up when I realized that one of my Rp characters had a hell of a lot of quirks and...

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Nightmare pt 1

I was living in a house and it must've been a Friday or something cause there were a lot of people and loud music. I was drawing with ear plugs in that made it silence. I must've been drawing for hours on end cause I went to the restroom and it was all...

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Slave Pacification (1)

_"'ll only be a model experiment, a proof of concept, just to convince the investors that it really works"_ _"But we already know that it works, all of our results so far have been very conclusive"_ _"Yes, you and I know that, as scientists,...

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Origin of the FinalGamer 1 - Collision With Fate

**THE CHRONICLES OF FINALGAMER** **Origin of the FinalGamer** The city of Chicago offered a future of prosperous times in the same way London offered good living in the Victorian Century. It was a good life if you had the money, the luck and...

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